About Al Mada Foundation for Media, Culture and Arts
A media institution that aims to improve the reality of culture in Iraq and the Arab world, which publishes several publications and is associated with a range of media, advertising, cultural and social activities.
As an institution, Al Mada seeks to secure free and democratic media and cultural climates outside official and partisan frameworks, and to open up to the media and culture to the world in order to reach cultural integration through dialogue and interaction with the cultures and achievements of other peoples and nations through cultural and media events and activities, and by translating the eyes of literature and human culture into Arabic and providing them to intellectuals and readers in Iraq and the Arab world, in addition to developing the work environment.
Components of the institution
- Establishment of the Research and Studies Center and Al-Nahj Magazine in 1983:
- In 1983, the first steps began on the road to the establishment of (Al-Mada) and the first step was the launch of the Center for Socialist Research and Studies in the Arab World, and the Center issued the Journal of Cultural Intellectual Approaches, and in the strength of its editorial board a group of intellectuals and researchers from various Arab countries, and the Center as well as the magazine was interested in studying prominent issues and phenomena in the fields of sociology, economy, politics and culture in general, from a critical and foundational point of view.
- Al Mada Magazine in 1984:
- Al Mada Cultural Quarterly magazine created the atmosphere to introduce the identity of the house, its premises, objectives and the methods it adopts in achieving its founding cultural and intellectual mission. It relies in its content on literary and cultural studies with a modernist orientation and the pursuit of modern currents and trends in literature and art.
- Establishment of Al Mada Publishing and Distribution House in 1994:
- As a result of the accumulation of experience and the expansion of the circle of relations, and the feeling of the urgent need to expand the circle of reading and distribution, Al-Mada worked to complete and consolidate a house for culture and publishing, concerned with the widest publication of the book and the closest price to the cost, in addition to the establishment of direct sales centers for books in more than one Arab capital and providing printing facilities for authors and writers while maintaining the quality of specifications and interest in expanding the movement of books and its circulation in other Arab countries, including Iraq.
- Launching of Al Mada Libraries Chain in 1994:
- Reading and books were the obsession of Al-Mada when it was being established more than two decades ago. Al-Mada was interested in books, their production, promotion, and marketing. Through the volume and quality of what it produces, it was able to establish, in a record time, an important presence in the book industry scene. Al-Mada relied in this project on more than one window to look out from on the world of books in all its aspects, including (the Al-Mada Libraries Chain), where Al-Mada libraries are distributed in the capital, Baghdad, and in more than one governorate, in addition to those present in a number of Arab capitals, namely:
- Damascus Library
- Beirut Library
- Cairo Library
- Al Saadoun Street Library
- Scientific Library in Al-Saadoun Street.
- Al-Mutanabbi Street Library
- Al-Qishla House Library.
- Erbil Library.
- Establishment of Al Mada Association for Development and Cultural Cooperation in 1994:
- A non-governmental organization founded in 1994 in Kurdistan and then moved its activities to Baghdad, Al-Mada Association for Development and Cultural Cooperation seeks to strengthen the frameworks of culture in all its diversity in Iraq, through activities aimed at cooperation and networking with civil society organizations, in order to achieve cultural and social development.
- Launching of Al Mada Cultural Week in 2001:
- Al-Mada was introduced for the first time in the Arab world (Al-Mada Cultural Week), inviting hundreds of intellectuals, intellectuals and artists from all Arab countries and from European countries to participate in its activities, and all the week’s activities were free, open to the public, and thousands flocked daily to the week’s activities, which were reflected in the Arab media on a large scale.
- Establishment of the Free Book Project (Book with Newspaper Project) in 2002:
- In its early years, the House launched many initiatives to activate cultural life, promote it and the role of intellectuals and creators, and work to adopt new formats to expand the circle of reading and book distribution. In this context, Al-Mada took the initiative to publish an enlightenment book that is distributed free of charge monthly with several Arab newspapers under the slogan “A Book with a Newspaper”.
- Establishment of Al-Mada, a political daily newspaper, in 2003:
- It is noteworthy that Al-Mada newspaper launched its first issues by publishing the scandal (oil coupons), which shocked the awareness of world public opinion, the United Nations took over its follow-up by forming an international investigation committee, which revealed through its observations the threads of international corruption, and the involvement of thousands of companies, parties and senior officials in the world, and continued to publish several corruption files to address this scourge and other manifestations of administrative and financial corruption Attacks on citizens later led and continue to lead the campaign of freedoms, through which it faced legislation and instructions that contradict human rights and personal freedoms.
- Establishment of Al Mada Agency for Distribution of Publications in 2003:
- From a cultural and enlightening point of view, Al-Mada Foundation believes that the adoption of primitive means (the stock exchange) in the distribution of newspapers and magazines, narrows the knowledge space of the citizen, and reduces to the greatest extent the role of the print press and writers, and for this reason it went from the beginning to launch an agency to be the nucleus of a company for the distribution of publications with a vision, tools and modern means (civilized) that seeks to secure the transfer of publications and their delivery to the rest of the country.
- Establishment of the Cultural Development Fund in 2003:
- The Foundation has allocated a support fund for low-income intellectuals, the elderly and the sick, and the fund also covers the expenses of treating educated patients.
- Zamwa Advertising and Publicity Company was established in 2004:
- One of the advanced and distinguished companies in the field of advertising in Iraq. The success story of Zamwa speaks for itself, as it became the first in the field of advertising in the Iraqi street. Since then, the company has expanded its tasks to provide the best international services to companies and institutions diversified in its activity and to multiple customers in the Iraqi market, including: Asiacell Telecom, Zain Telecom, Korek Telecom, Pepsi, Cadbury, Great Wall Automobiles, Davidoff Cigarettes, Haier Electronics, LG Electronics, Unipol pens.
- Narcissus Magazine Issue 2004:
- (Narges) is a monthly women’s magazine concerned with the reality of women and focuses on human rights and civil rights topics and conveys the developments of society with a professional follow-up that adopts the pillars of the free platform in handling, presenting and analyzing.
- Establishment of Nahar Al Madinah Communications Company in 2005:
- The company carries out the business of providing various telecommunications services, considering that this field is close to media services.
- Establishment of (Nasna) Tourism and Transport Company in 2006:
- It is a company that aims to stimulate the tourism movement of the various media sectors and provide various transportation services in addition to marketing tourist groups to the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the rest of the governorates of Iraq.
- Launching of Naharat Al Mada in 2006:
- In Baghdad, Al-Mada launched a series of activities to revive the oppressed and exiled culture, and turn it into tools for the advancement of the new Iraq, the events took the character of challenging terrorism and breaking its power, and attracting wider circles for cultural and artistic activity, and this activity is unique in its interest in creativity and creators, honoring and celebrating them.
- Establishment of the TV production company in 2006:
- Al-Mada paid special attention to television production, so it established Al-Mada Company for TV Production. This company produces documentary films about Iraqi personalities who contributed to building cultural, cognitive and political edifices in Iraq, and remembering these names to be illuminated for contemporary and future generations.
- Launching the (We Dialogue) workshop in 2008:
- The Foundation has devised new formulas to involve democratic figures, including intellectuals, politicians, as well as senior officials, in addressing the major issues facing the country, the political process and democracy issues, including meetings (dialogue) and economic and cultural round tables. This workshop is unique in that it holds dialogue meetings between officials in the Iraqi government, and journalists in media institutions, through regular seminars held every two weeks, and often raise the concerns of the Iraqi street in these meetings and the crises suffered by Iraqis in general, called “dialogue”.
- Launch of Erbil International Book Fair in 2008:
- Al-Mada continues its efforts to expand the International Book Fair, the majority of Arab publishing houses and an increasing number of foreign publishing houses participate in the fair annually, and through this exhibition, the Foundation supported Iraqi universities and colleges with specialized scientific books through donations at the invitation of the Foundation and provided by governmental and civil institutions.
- Issue of Hiwar Sport Magazine in 2008:
- A monthly sports magazine issued from the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, concerned with local, Arab and international sports affairs for various games, foremost of which is football.
- Establishment of Al-Mada Center for Public Opinion Polls in 2008:
- A specialized center for public opinion polls established in line with the Foundation’s interests in revealing the trends of popular public opinion in various joints and activities of new Iraqi life at the political, social, economic and psychological levels to help the competent authorities make the right decisions that serve the Iraqi public.
- Issuance of the cultural newspaper (Tato) in 2009:
- A monthly cultural newspaper published in the middle of each month, the first issue was published in March 2009. The newspaper deals with cultural topics in different genres of knowledge.
- Opening of Al-Mada House in Al-Mutanabbi in 2009:
- The Foundation opened Al-Mada House for Culture and Arts in the historical Mutanabbi Street, known as the Street of Culture in Iraq, where researchers, intellectuals and poets gather on this street during the weekend in particular, and the rest of the week in general. The Foundation holds cultural and artistic events and weekly activities during the weekend at home, commemorating prominent figures in Iraqi history and is prepared to be followed by all local Arab media. – Gift Gallery.
- Opening of Al-Mada House in Al-Mutanabbi in 2009:
- Al-Mada Foundation publishes with its daily newspaper six weekly supplements specialized in the fields of: culture, personalities, economy, Iraqi memory, sports, in a half-size and eight pages:
- Paper Supplement
- Iraqi memory supplement.
- Annex was a time.
- Beacons accessory.
- Iraqi Attaché.
- Range sport supplement.
- Establishment of Al Mada Center for Training and Development in 2010:
- The Foundation has developed a training and development center and allocated a large hall that accommodates more than sixty people equipped with the latest technologies, to hold training courses for young media staff in the media field in its various branches.
- Al-Khayul Advertising and Publicity Company was established in 2011:
- A specialized advertising company that has worked in recent years to provide integrated advertising services that have contributed to the development of the advertising industry in Kurdistan.
- Launching of Al Mada News Agency (Al Mada Press) in 2012:
- It is an independent and professional news agency, and works in the manner of international news agencies in terms of news industry, analysis and reporting events through the reporting of opinion and other opinion.
- Al Mada Radio broadcast in 2012:
- Al Mada FM reflects Iraq’s diverse and dynamic spirit, providing artistic and creative content and addressing the various segments of the community through a range of contemporary tarab and classical and youth songs with a sense of youthful dynamism, in addition to a large share of morning and evening entertainment and social programs, based on innovation and vitality as two factors of strength that distinguish the impact of the range.
- Establishment of Abraj Al Mada General Contracting Company Limited in 2013:
- The company was opened in late 2013, with the purpose of investing capital in the field of general, construction, electrical and mechanical contracting.
- Launching of Al Mada TV Channel in 2014:
- Al-Mada TV seeks to lay the foundations of civil peace and the values of a just civil state, away from all forms of sectarian, racial and religious racism, and to highlight the principles of citizenship without discrimination or discrimination between citizens, while respecting ethnic and religious pluralism.
- Al Mada University:
- Under establishment and has not completed the procedures for commencing its work.
- Iraq International Book Fair kicks off in 2020
- Al-Mada Foundation has been organized annually in Baghdad since 2020 until now for the purpose of expanding the circle of holding international book fairs.
- Basra International Book Fair kicks off in 2020.
- Al-Mada Foundation has been organized annually in Baghdad since 2020 until now for the purpose of expanding the circle of holding international book fairs.